Serene but spirited, wild yet well-manicured, hushed but birthed by volcanic explosions; stunning Samoa is a paradisaical paradox. Despite its intense natural beauty – all iridescent seas, jade jungles and crystal waterfalls – this is a humble place and welcomes all as warm as the island sun. Samoa is renowned for its natural beauty, genuine hospitality and stunning adventures. Geographically and culturally, this small nation is considered the heart of Polynesia. The country has clung to Fa’a Samoa (the Samoan Way), making it one of the most authentic and traditional of all Pacific societies.
LET’S GO… to the most authentic, humble, and stunningly beautiful Pacific gem… SAMOA!!

Includes: Tiara, Bra, Panty, Fringe Arm Bands, Fringe Hip Bands, Neck Piece
Includes: Tiara, Bra Option, Panty Option, Fringe Arm Bands, Fringe Hip Bands, Neck Piece, Backpack
Includes: Headband, Chest Piece, 2L Water Pack, Belt, Shorts, Arm Bands, Leg Bands